Sunday, 19 February 2012

Here comes Monday!

I have to be very disciplined about resting on the weekends. From Monday to Friday I demand so much of my body (and mind) that I have to promise them that they can recover on the weekend. So I dont make too many arrangements and ensure that there is plenty of time for sitting about and having a few naps.

So one way to really enjoy sitting about is to drive down to St. James or Fishoek beach and sit on the sand and watch the water and the birds and the people and the clouds and gaze raputrously at the mountains, behind the beach, around the bays and stretching out on the horizon of False Bay to Hangklip. After some frolicking in the water, it is time to sit again.

Another way to sit and recharge is to go out to the other coastline, just beyond Camps Bay (non-South Africans should google these divine places) climb down the rocks with a picnic bag and a blanket and a good old friend, Patrick, and watch the waves and the birds and the clouds and the rocks and the setting of the mighty Sun.

And then to sit some more and watch as the darkness increases in the dome of the heavens, to observe, out of the inky vastness, the emergence of the scinitillating stars.

Also sitting at the outdoor table on the deck, looking out over the beautiful garden to the valley and mountains beyond, reviewing the weeks' work and preparing for the week ahead. This is a very productive form of sitting.

So here comes Monday and I am ready to twirl.......

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I miss listening to you tell stories in the staffroom! I visited school just after Valentines Day and even though I still think it is an amazing place it was so different without the energy of you and Tasha. Now that I'm following you on your blog I really look forward to reading your past posts and experiences. You are looking so well, all this study and the demands on your body and mind must agree with you!
